Different Types of shots (4)

Low and High Angled Shots Low angled shots- This type of shot can increase height for the subject and and can make them seem quite authoritative.This added height can inspire a sense of fear/insecurity within the audience, as the subject could be looking down on them. It can also make the viewer feel powerless in a scene of action, and is often used to capture a fast-paced motion. This shot can be seen in action movies such as The Avengers. High angled Shots- This shot isn't as extreme as a bird's eye view , however the camera is elevated using a crane so that there is an overall view across a specific environment or subject. The character is usually seen as helpless and, looking up hopefully or at the face of danger. This shot can also be seen in action movies, before or after a fight seen. This is shown in the example on the left, which features a high angle shot from The Avengers. Bird's Eye and Worm's eye View Bird's eye view- This shot can put ...