Camera Framing- An Introductuon

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Camera Framing is a technique which can draw attention to a specific object or person in a photograph or clip. There are many different types of shots within this technique, varying from a long shot to a close up.
Camera framing can intrigue and engage the viewer, and also leads their eye to a specific part of the photo, for example the main focal point.
Another advantage is that camera framing gives the photo context, a sense of depth and layers.

The different types of shots include:
Long/Wide shot, Extreme Long shot, Mid long shot, Over the Shoulder shot, Point of view (POV) shot, Low and High angle shots, Worm's and Bird's eye view, aerial shot, crane shot, close up, big close up and an extreme close up.

Video on Camera Framing:
This video is by King Film School and features Zach King, who explains many different types of shots that you can use.


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