
Showing posts from April, 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? I would have a mainstream film company distribute my film, as the product would be produced by an independent company, so the budget may not be able to cover everything, so a deal with a mainstream company can be seen as more efficient, and has been done often in the film industry. This is because the Big 6 are mainstream film companies that create and own many franchises, meaning they are highly successful when producing and especially distributing their products. The mainstream company would be able to distribute my film in many unique ways that an independent company would not be able to do, for example creating a Snapchat filter to promote the film and word of mouth, or getting the cast to mention and promote the film in interviews or events set up before the release to generate more interest from and attract an audience. An independent company would have a smaller budget (unless they had a c...

Evaluation Questions 6 and 7

Question 6: Question 7: Question 7 carried on: The video above shows how since the preliminary task, I have tried toprctice and improve on colour correction.When improving our tasks, we were given an activity to experiment with colour correction and the different tools on premier pro. From this, I gained knowledge to see how different hues of colour and brightness can affect a clip, and how it can completely change the mood that is presented to the audience. The video shows how I colour corrected my final piece, at first removing the colour correction, and then going through the process again. As my genre was a horror, I decreases the brightness and increased the contrast, and made use of the colour blue as it's a cold colour used in horror films a lot, and the green for midtone to bring out the colour of the leaves in the forest. Furthermore, I also learnt a lot more about camera movement and shots, as this was something I wanted to make a lot of use of throughout ...

Evaluation Questions 4 and 5


Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation- Question One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real life media products? The genre that I had chosen for my opening sequence was horror, meaning beforehand I was researching the general codes of conventions of a film in this category. In other media products, I found many conventions, which were split into different sections such as location or costume. For location, this was usually somewhere 'eerie' and mysterious, such as an abandoned house or a forest, or even a mental asylum. From this, I decided to set my opening sequence in a forest next to an abandoned house, in which footage from the house I incorporated into my credits by using a variety of establishing shots with camera movement. The location of a forest can connote mystery and link to the fear of the unknown; and with the right colour correction, this effect can be amplified further to be put across to my target audience. This links to another convention, colour, in which ...