Location Research

Hanworth Park House The location I have chosen to film at is Hanworth Park House and the forest around it, known to some as the 'Teddy Bear Woods'. This is because within the forest there is a clearing, and surrounding it are trees with toys strapped to them. You can't see this from the clearing, although there is a dream-catcher that someone has made across two trees. Once you leave the clearing to walk through the trees, the toys become more noticeable and the further you go the more you see. I feel that this would be suitable for the genre of horror for my opening sequence, as a dark forest is one of the codes and conventions of horror in terms of setting, as well as an abandoned house, which in this case is the Hanworth Park House. An Earth view of the house and the park surrounding it. A map view showing the surrounding area, which I will be using to know how to get there. Below I have found a video of someone viewing the forest and house from a drone, ...