Shot List

Title Shots:

Shot 1- A panning shot of a wall with a diamond window cut out of it.
Shot 2- A handheld shot from the inside of this bunker with a view on the outside through this diamond shaped window.
Shot 3- A panning shot across a field with a forest.
Shot 4- A panning shot from left to right of a concrete structure in the forest.
Shot 5- A panning shot across a part of the forest.
Shot 6- A still shot of Hanworth Park House with a bird flying above it, featuring the title of the film.
Shot 7- An arc shot facing upwards at the top of the trees and sky.

Walking Shots:

Shot 1- A panning shot of a tree by the river to establish the scene and create an eerie effect.
Shot 2- A panning shot of a doll resting on a tree.
Shot 3- A still shot of a bear hung on a tree.
Shot 4- A panning shot in which the character of Alice is seen to emerge from a tree in the foreground- the camera then pans to follow her across the shot.
Shot 5- A wide shot where Alice is walking across the forest from the left to center.
Shot 6- A close up of shoes walking across the shot.
Shot 7- Back to the wide shot where the character is walking off the scene.
Shot 8- A high-angled shot looking down at the back of Alice as she walks in and out of the shot, pausing to call "Where are you?"
Shot 9- A tracking shot showing the front of the character, Alice, whom yells, "Jamie! Stop messing around, this isn't funny!"
Shot 10- A tracking shot from the back of Alice as she walks on, occasionally looking around the forest.
Shot 11- A wide shot of Alice walking across a landscape, stopping and looking back as she hears a noise from behind her.
Shot 12- A POV shot from Alice as she looks around to find out where the noise came from.
Shot 13- A mid shot of Alice looking away and walking off shot at a faster pace.
Shot 14- A still shot from the back of Alice, who walks on shot and is suddenly dragged away off shot as she yells "Jamie!"

Talking Shots:

Shot 1- An over the shoulder shot of the character of Jamie, so the character of Alice is shown an Jamie has not yet been fully revealed.
Shot 2- A wide shot pf the two characters, in which Jamie is seen to be moving closer to Alice to make her be quiet.
Shot 3- An OTS shot looking past Alice at Jamie, who is revealed to the audience.
Shot 4- OTS shot looking past Jamie at Alice.
Shot 5- Mid shot of the character of Jamie.
Shot 6- OTS looking past Jamie.
Shot 7- OTS looking past Alice.
Shot 8- Mid/Wide shot of both characters, in which Jamie points to a spot in the distance.
Shot 9- A still, wide shot of the forest with a silhouette of a figure in the distance.
Shot 10- A close up with Alice facing towards the camera and Jamie behind her leaning over her shoulder.
Shot 11- An OTS looking past Jamie as Alice turns back around to face Jamie and the camera.
Shot 12- The still shot of the forest, but this time the dark figure is gone.
Shot 13- OTS shot looking past Jamie, with Alice looking around in panic.
Shot 14- Close up of the two characters with Alice facing the camera, but keeps looking back at Jamie who tries to talk to her.
Shot 15- A tilting shot which follows both characters as the emerge from where the were hiding behind a tree.
Shot 16- A tracking shot from the backs of the two characters as they run through the forest.
Shot 17- A still, low angled shot of the characters walking into the center of the shot before stopping, confused and shocked.
Shot 18- A still shot of another part of the forest where the dark figure has appeared, blocking the characters' path.
Shot 19- The low angled shot, in which the characters look ahead then at each other in defeat.

Total No. of Shots: 40


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